Japanese cute (kawaii) baking!

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Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day. 

It is totally different custom canada and japan. The day many man get chocolate from women in Japan. I hate the day. because Woman have to buy chocolate for co-worker's man when I was work at office. The chocolate called "giri choco"(chocolate out of courtesy.) I don't understand the custom. I like to give chocolate to my father and boyfriend. but I don't give chocolate to co-worker. anyway, St. Valentine's Day in Japan, many woman tell her feelings to her special man with her handmade chocolate.

I found some Kawaii(cute) baking↓

Cpicon 源氏パイで手作りバレンタイン♡ by yucoringo

cute decoration with pie biscuit.

Cpicon プレゼント妖怪ウォッチ可愛い☆クッキー by プクル

This character is very popular in Japan now.

Cpicon ドラえもんかわいいアイスボックスクッキー by プクル

Doraemon. very high quality!!

Cpicon リトルミィのデコケーキ by はな冬

moomin character cake.

Cpicon 簡単&かわいい☆なめこクッキー by メルちゃんlove

This is app game character "nameko".

Cpicon お誕生日に簡単♪立体キャラデコケーキ♪ by kcochibi

Hello kitty cake!

Cpicon クッキーモンスターのキャラケーキ♫ by オマールえび子

cookie monster!! very cute! I want to eat!!

Cpicon ボタン・マカロン by 青空マカロン

button macaroon. nice idea!

Cpicon くまちゃんマカロン by になと

cute bear and frog macaroon.

Cpicon プレゼントに♪簡単かわいい☆お花クッキー by メルちゃんlove

flower cookie.

Cpicon こどもの日♪かわいい~鯉のぼりクッキー by ナチクマ

carp shaped cookie for kid's day(May 5th.)

Cpicon 簡単!パンでデコレーションケーキ風 by ひとみかん1027

cute breakfast.

Cpicon バラの花束☆りんごコンポートレアチーズ♪ by あさごはん0213

The rose made from apple! beautiful!!

Cpicon デコレーションケーキ☆カクレモモジリ by 吉良嬢

nice cake!

Cpicon キイロイトリ ノ デコレーションケーキ by ◇黒たると◆


Cpicon トトロのデコレーションケーキ by ピロミ隊長


Cpicon バレンタイン!簡単チョコがけデコドーナツ by ザッキーー☆

cute decoration doughnut! use almond is nice idea!

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Japanese Kawaii (cute) apple cut.

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usually Japanese don't eat apple peel. I peel an apple like this.

so I was surprised canadian take bites out of a whole apple at lunch.

cute apple cut

checkered cut is popular now. because many young mom make "cute" lunch box="Kyaraben" for kids.




how to make checkered cut apple??


Cute Kyaraben.

Kyaraben is decorated lunch box. characters made with ordinary ingredients. it makes lunch time more fun, and kids eat better.

Kyaraben or charaben (キャラ弁?), a shortened form of character bento (キャラクター弁当 kyarakutā bentō?), is a style of elaborately arranged bento (Japanese boxed lunch) which features food decorated to look like people, characters from popular media, animals, and plants.[1] Japanese homemakers often spend time devising their families' meals,[2] including their boxed lunches. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kyaraben


This is no more cut... art!!


This is cute. Japanese famous character "pigumon" from ultra man.


I like this cut! I found this at English site. maybe Japanese kids cry if it is in lunch box. haha...


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Japanese bullet train's toilet is cool!!

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Asama Shinkansen bullet train

This bullet train runs Nagano to Tokyo. E7 type bullet train is the newest. I used the toilet I was very surprised. because the toilet is very nice as department store's one.


Super nice toilet...

beautiful door...

this sign says this room has baby bed and baby seat and changing clothes step.

automatic tap water and dryer and soap.

Washlet button(electric toilet seats), SOS button.

baby bed for change diaper.

baby seat for safety.

open this board, you can step on the board and change your clothes! your foots keep clean!! Japanese technology!! haha...

vacancy lamp. you can see at seat toilet is vacancy or not.

Japanese bullet's toilet is super nice!!!

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