Tomorrow is St. Valentine's Day.
It is totally different custom canada and japan. The day many man get chocolate from women in Japan. I hate the day. because Woman have to buy chocolate for co-worker's man when I was work at office. The chocolate called "giri choco"(chocolate out of courtesy.) I don't understand the custom. I like to give chocolate to my father and boyfriend. but I don't give chocolate to co-worker. anyway, St. Valentine's Day in Japan, many woman tell her feelings to her special man with her handmade chocolate.
I found some Kawaii(cute) baking↓
源氏パイで手作りバレンタイン♡ by yucoringocute decoration with pie biscuit.
プレゼント妖怪ウォッチ可愛い☆クッキー by プクル
This character is very popular in Japan now.
ドラえもんかわいいアイスボックスクッキー by プクル
Doraemon. very high quality!!
リトルミィのデコケーキ by はな冬
moomin character cake.
簡単&かわいい☆なめこクッキー by メルちゃんlove
This is app game character "nameko".
お誕生日に簡単♪立体キャラデコケーキ♪ by kcochibi
Hello kitty cake!
クッキーモンスターのキャラケーキ♫ by オマールえび子
cookie monster!! very cute! I want to eat!!
ボタン・マカロン by 青空マカロン
button macaroon. nice idea!
くまちゃんマカロン by になと
cute bear and frog macaroon.
プレゼントに♪簡単かわいい☆お花クッキー by メルちゃんlove
flower cookie.
こどもの日♪かわいい~鯉のぼりクッキー by ナチクマ
carp shaped cookie for kid's day(May 5th.)
簡単!パンでデコレーションケーキ風 by ひとみかん1027
cute breakfast.
バラの花束☆りんごコンポートレアチーズ♪ by あさごはん0213
The rose made from apple! beautiful!!
デコレーションケーキ☆カクレモモジリ by 吉良嬢
nice cake!
キイロイトリ ノ デコレーションケーキ by ◇黒たると◆
トトロのデコレーションケーキ by ピロミ隊長
バレンタイン!簡単チョコがけデコドーナツ by ザッキーー☆
cute decoration doughnut! use almond is nice idea!
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